Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Your dreamy eyes portrayed

Your Dreamy Eyes Portrayed
The sun's routeOn my face
So it breathed a dawn
That carries all aromas of passion
Returning to you as they came
Prettier and prettier
And welcomes at all times
Who grew the oleander trees
And the heart cries out … for her appearancewelcome… welcome
My eyes danced
They leapt
Towards streams
Surging from falls
Of yearning
Flowing from your lips
Spreading for the sun
Their cloak
Bursting these deer
They said… here we are
It is enough for you …..
Seas of longing
Abundant with thousands of fish
And your lids are thread of promise
Hanging in this window
As I drew my heart
In your eyes tears of an angel
Dispersed over remnants of a tune
That your lips always play
This music is played
Its breeze carried the wind heart in its palm
So I get lost ………… and the ships filch me
I raised flocks of butterflies of the world
Towards the light Seeking corners of darkness
And eliminate this oppressive night
Planting it with medusas
Of the sea
Staying at their eyes
They dispersed about, in the universe, love dust
Plaited in their forehead
They slept in the sun
Gathering up confused dreams
As they reached
Land of dreams
They took off over
Longings their cloak
To sleep

رسمت عيناك الحالمتان

رسمت عيناك الحالمتان
مسار الشمس
على وجهي ...فتنفس فجرا ...يحمل كل طيوب العشق
تعود إليك ..
كما جاءت أحلى أحلى
وترحب في كل الأوقات
بمن زرعت شجر الدفلى
ويصيح القلب ...لطلتها أهلا ...أهلا
رقصت عيناي
كانت تقفز نحو جداول سالت من شلال
الشوق تدفق من شفتيك
فرشت للشمس عبائتها
فجرت تلك الغزلان
مبادرةقالت لبيك
*****كفاك ..بحار الشوق
..تفيض بآلاف الأسماك
وجفونك خيط الوعد .
..تعلق في ذاك الشباك
وأنا أرسم قلبي ... في عينيك دموع ملاك
تتناثر فوق بقايا لحن .
..تعزفه دوما شفتاك....
..تصدح تلك الموسيقى
نسمتها حملت
قلب الريح بكفيها.
.فأضيع ...وتسرقني الأفلاك ...
رفعت أسراب فراش الدنيا نحو النور .
..تتلمس أنحاء الديجور
وتبدد هذا الليل الطاغي
تزرعه بقناديل البحر
القابع في عينيها
نثرت في الكون غبار الحب .
.المجدول بغرتها
نامت في الشمس
..تلملم ..أضغاث الأحلام
فقد وصلت أرض الأحلام
خلعت فوق الأشواق عباءتها .. لتنام

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Oath of the Land

The Oath of the Land
I , the so called Son of olives and figs’ brides, Issa

My mother goddess of chastity

And my grandmothers are given the credit For my polishing and formation

And my ancestor of Bani Canaan

Palestinian from Zakaria

And my address At the valley of Shephela

I set up my spears At Ajnadayn where his shrine is

There I wish My remains stays there , among my offspring

And I work at the hills of Nejd

And I adore themAs Nejd is today in my heart

And flows in my veins

I am documenting The steadfastness of people in My homeland

and in my Jerusalem

And I wonder how I haveSpent my life in my grave

And here I am, I return

Embracing my yesterday

My father Goliath commended me: Strangers not to live in my soul

They have a god, and my GodLord of all creation, jinn and mankind

I swear that

Jerusalem be in my eyes And Jaffa be the pulsation of my veins

And from Acre all my sails would navigate

And in Ashdod land my belongings remian

And on the sand of our Gaza

All my grandchildren will studyLessons

of devotion and victoryUnder my mistress’ observation

And I shall keep My pledge

As my grandfather commended

And I shall live At the fringes of its mount

And drink the water of its fountain

And eat the figs of its basket

And I have a dream

That life smiles to us

To plant varieties of roses On its feet

a meadowOf damask roses

We girdle them in forestsOf oak and poplar trees

Deep inside me The bitterness of the great calamity

But I will forget it

When I am in Al-Aqsa

Enjoying the grand ecstasyPerforming dawn prayer

SmilingAnd I once again prostrate

For an everlasting time

When the land turns to a volcano

And my roaring lava Spills over the sand of my country’sThresholds

Some of my blood

And I won’t fear

For the Lord of universeCommended care of the people of Al-Aqsa Mosque

And should I die

It means my death approached

Who can stop it,if it approached

But, as I promised to confrontDeath standing upright

I will cross with the beams of dawn

Follow them ….. so that I lie wherever they be

No regret for life without dream and freedom,But we, by aid of Allah, won’t kneelSo let’s have sincere intents

And declare it , fire uprooting the world and what it contains

How many a nation led a life of servility, became forgotten!