Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Dreams of Butterfly

Dreams of a ButterflyComposed by : Issa Adawi

I smiled to the morning
Wishing it would choose me
hoping I could fly with creatures
And swim in the depth of happy Wishes,
Soaring, not resting except
For a moment of calmness flapping On a flower in the distant fields
Kissing life's mouth sweetenedwith glory charm.
..and embracing scent leading to the birth of this poem
I roam fields covered with rosesDreaming of honey flowingOn intimate lips
I dreamt that I crossed the borders
I climbed all great dams… and overlooked
Over those hills on a knollIt embraced me
And I embraced in it my mother's countenancewhich touched me..With all pure compassion
And called my name
And I feltThat I've reached what I've aspired
And gloom cannot dominate me
My worry disappeared
And a squadron of butterflies around me flew like me
Kissing my head
And my eyes … and sleeve
And fell just like meIn my mother's lap
I felt that I flew in the eye of that butterfly
I traveled in yearning so I may see my field and watch the ecstasy at the reunion moment,
My heart moaned.. and in the chest spreads remnants of a shiver
But I like others
Returned.. sad.. Contemplating my life
And witnessing my death
On the surface of a TV screen
I did not know
That I am feebleSo fragile!
I wondered as evening approached
Why birds like me sleep
And rest over vulnerable branches
Do they experience… with dawn approach
Fear of the sun and the wind?And frightening rumbles
I reproached myself
I was taken by surprise … by my heart storms
They were violent
I deliberately closed the door
To salve my heart of the illusion
May be I can leave tender hearts' den
In order to be relieved from Sparrows chatter one day and build for myself of the wind a palace of silly aspirations